Talented Young African Writers Foundation

CEO/ Founder: Funmilayo Braithwaite

is a renowned Publicist, creative writer and an Award winning Author. She has a passion for teaching and encouraging young adults to read and write.

About us

We are a Non - Government Organisation aim ed at encouraging education at all levels. We are passionate about quality education for all, regardless of tribe,colour and religion status. We help young adults to ignite their passion for reading, writing and for acquiring a sound education.

Our Mission:

Is to change reading from a priviledge and into a right, one that is excercised happily, especially in the African Child.

Steps we've taken to help young adults mold their passion for reading and writing include:

Engaging them in reading and writing sessions

Organizing Read A Thon Programmes in schools and communities

Community outreach and donations to alleviate external barriers to reading


could reach more people.

could do more donations.

could have more team members.

could operate nationwide.




Help us,Help you.

In order to keep up with the quality we put out into the world we would appreciate any and all help we can receive Click here to find what part you could play